genealogical webpage

deutsche version
This site contains genealogical material about the family "von Krusemarck/ Krusemark" (comming from the Altmark, Germany) and information about the history of the village "Krusemark". Certainly, you also get information about the Krusemarks today. There can be found genealogical links, information about heraldry and family trees, too. Let's start... here's the main menu:

Wappen 1 Take every information you can get about the family!
Explore the village Krusemark Ortsschild and his history!
Wappen 2 Activities of the "Krusemar(c)ks" today...

We're very pleased about further information, help, etc.... You can mail or fill out our guestbook and participate in our mailing list. We also would like to help by genealogical problems or questions. Contact us here!